Kobe Osaka International World Cup and Training Camp
15th Kobe Osaka International World Cup and Training Camp in Halkida is
finally over and attracted a
total of 30 countries and 573 entries. As
in previous years we have to say it was another very well organised event
but that was expected. Andreas Papadimitropoulos the KOI Greece President
and his staff at the Federation office have a lot of experience. The Training
Camp and the World Cup were held at the Kanithos Stadium as in 2003 and
the referees course and the KOI Congress were held at the HQ Hotel in
Eretria. Unfortunately there were visa problems and more than 100 people
were unable to participate this year. Richard Lim and his team from the
Philippines received their visas too late to travel and Mohammad Ali Mardani
from Iran who wanted to bring 100 persons (as he did in Moscow last year)
was unsuccessful in his application and neither he nor his group were
able to take part. From the whole Iranian group only one person, Saeid
Ashtian was able to get a visa and he took the Gold in the men's plus
80kg division. Let's hope that next year will be different.
Osaka Greece hosted an official dinner for 60 persons at a beautiful location
by the sea. WKF General Secretary Dr. George Yerolimpos accompanied by
his wife Emanuella attended as the guests of honour.
Andreas Papadimitropoulos and Dr. George Yerolimpos present Tommy Morris
with a souvenir
KOI 14 Instructors back row, left to right, Robert Hamara, Gina Ragazzo,
Steven Morris,
Tommy Morris, Kamil Mousin, Jaap Smaal, Loh Beng Hooi.
Front Row, Marco Mazzanti, Alister MacAlister, Richard Callaghan, Raphael
Training Camp
There was a big turnout for the Training Camp and the instructors
did a great job over the three days. As usual the kumite section under
Richard Callaghan, Marco Mazzanti, Alister MacAlister and Raphael Aktchourine
was the biggest. Steven Morris, Richard Ng, Sanny Yap and Con Kassis ran
the Shitoryu classes and Jaap Smaal, Loh Beng Hooi, Gina Ragazzo and Robert
Hamara the Shotokan classes. The instructors classes were run by Tommy
Morris with senior instructors Steven Morris, Richard Callaghan, Marco
Mazzanti and Jaap Smaal assisting.
Referee Course
The Referee Course was conducted at the HQ hotel and more that 55 referees,
judges and new candidates attended. John Kanellis brought his competitors
for the practical assessment and the final exam took place at the championships
by the senior WKF Referees.
Tommy Morris welcomed the delegates and gave a short report. He then gave
information on the KO Regional Events. The first of these will be the
Kobe Osaka Italian Open (formerly Latina Games) in Latina 8/9/10 December.
Following this will be the KOI Norwegian Open in January, the Kobe Osaka
Russia Open in Moscow 30/31 March and 1 April, the Kobe Osaka UK in Scotland
13/16 April. Kobe Osaka Asia Open may be in Malaysia or Singapore around
this Metyout Zitouni gave a presentation on Morocco's bid for next year's
KOI 16 followed by Morad Assem presenting Ahly Club's bid for Egypt. A
bid from Philippines is still on the table from last year. The winning
bid will be announced at the end of September or early October. Italy
has bid for 2008 and Taiwan for 2009.
Ragazzo and Robert Hamara were both promoted to 6th Dan and Marco Mazzanti
and Alister MacAlister were both promoted to 5th Dan.
Alister MacAlister receives his 5th Dan Certificate and Robert Hamara
receives his 6th Dan Certificate

Nguyan Hoang Ngan from Vietnam
KOI World Cup
stadium was laid out according to WKF World Championships specifications
with four competition areas in line. Security kept the surrounding areas
clear and competitors were restricted to one side of the competition areas
which resulted in a very clean and uncluttered look. To no one's surprise
the large Russian contingent once again topped the medals table. The dedication
and amount of work that these young kids put into their karate is an inspiration
to all, they just get better and better every year.
for various reasons a number of countries who participated in Moscow last
year could not participate this year, but we were happy to welcome new
participants and competitors from Bulgaria, Canada, Hungary, Morocco,
South Africa, (all of whom took medals), Romania and Senegal. Ahly club
from Egypt did not participate this year but the Cairo Shooting Club and
the Al Zahour Club competitors upheld Egypt's long history of wins at
KOI placing them 5th in the medals table. Congratulations to Alexey Petrov,
President of the Bulgarian Karate Federation whose team at their very
first KOI World Cup took fourth place in the medals table and to Metyout
Zitouni whose team from Morocco, also at their first KOI, placed eighth
view and download the results click
view and download the categories click
view and download the medals table click
view more photographs of KOI 15 click
KOI 15 Referees and Judges
Again a special vote of thanks to Fabio Meini, Violetta Berna, Paola Proia
and Roberto Boldrini from Italy who gave us so much help in organising
the table officials and thanks to our senior WKF international referees,
Con Kassis (WKF RC Member) from Australia, Loh Beng Hooi from Sabah (WKF
RC Assistant Secretary), Jaap Smaal from Netherlands, Klaus Sterba from
Germany, Pham Quoc Trong from Vietnam and Robert Hamara from Norway. We
were especially pleased to welcome Koichi Yamamura (WKF RC Member) from
Japan who arrived on Saturday.
Koichi Yamamura WKF RC, Pham Quoc Trong, Loh Beng Hooi
WKF RC Assistant Secretary and
Con Kassis WKF RC
also to Steven Morris and Alister MacAlister from Scotland, Vlado Derek
from Croatia, Geri Hofs from Netherlands, Richard Ng, Sanny Yap Ah Huat
and Chris Lee Wing Kong from Singapore, and all our referees and judges
who helped us have another great and safe competition. Not a single competitor
needed hospital treatment and again all injuries were slight. This is
an enviable record, not one serious injury in fifteen years which just
goes to prove the value of the training camp and the skills of our referees,
instructors, coaches and competitors.
A big thank you to all the team leaders and heads of delegation for their
continued support and all the effort they made to bring their competitors
to Halkida. This year the biggest overseas group came from Ruissia organised
and led by Kamil Mousini and closely followed by Egypt, Italy and Bulgaria.
KOI main groups and their representatives who took part were:
Australia; Richard Callaghan, Marco Mazzanti
Bulgaria: Blagovest Panaev
Canada; Peter Stoddart
Croatia; Vlado Derek
Egypt; Khaled Mohamed Abdelaziz
England; Archie Grassom
Germany; Thomas Geiger and Klaus Sterba
Greece; Andreas Papadimitropoulos and Costas Papanastasiou
Hungary; Laszlo Zallel
Iceland; Vicente Carasco
India; Neil Moses
and Paul Vickraman
Italy; Gina Ragazzo and Fabio Meini
Jordan; Mouin Faouri
Kazakhstan; Vitaliy Shevchenko and Orynbay Maikeyev
Kuwait; Hatem El Din Fathy
Latvia; Druvis Kalninsh and Andris Vasiljevs
Malaysia and Sabah; Loh Beng Hooi
Morocco; Metyout Zitouni
Netherlands; Jaap Smaal
Norway; Robert Hamara
Romania; Balasoiu Cezar
Russia; Kamil Musin and Rafael Aktchourine
Scotland; Steven Morris and Alister MacAlister
Senegal; Mamoune Ngom
Singapore; Richard Ng, Chris Lee Wing Kong and Sanny Yap
South Africa; Mymona Toffa
Dr. Laura Huang
USA; Jason Stanley
Vietnam; Pham Quoc Trong
14th KOI
If you want to read about the 14th KOI in Moscow in 2005
click here
13th KOI
If you want to read about the 13th KOI in Manila Philippines in 2004
click here
KOI Report
If you want to read about the 12th KOI in Halkida Greece in 2003 click