17th KOI
World Cup and International Training Camp
The 17th KOI World Cup held in Latina near Rome was attended By 24
countries and 500 participants. Again we had so many people for the training
camp that we had to use the newly built archery hall as well as the stadium
itself. The downside was that the weather was extremely hot and the Latina
City Council did not switch on the air conditioning until Thursday. Shame
on them!
the current political climate resulted in visa problems for many of our
members and six countries that had intended to take part were unable to
attend. Nevertheless the rest of us had a great time training together
and the competition once more was relatively injury free. Kobe Osaka Russia
under the leadership of Kamil Mousin as expected took the lion's share
of the medals, the dedication and skill of the Russian competitors is
a shining example to all of us. Tommy Morris presented Kamil Mousin with
his 6th Dan in appreciation of his unstinting and tireless efforts in
developing and building Kobe Osaka Russia into the hugely successful organisation
that it has become. KOR has competed in all seventeen KOI World Cups.
Tommy Morris presenting Kamil Mousin with his 6th Dan
Thanks again
to all our referees and judges, to the Kobe Osaka Italia table staff,
the KOI Organising Committee, Ronald Meijer, Tania Drozdova, Alison Morris
and all of those who gave of their time so willingly. What a terrific
job they did and we completed the last category within 15 minutes of the
scheduled finishing time on Sunday afternoon! To all our tired and weary
workers, well done, you made KOI 17 another resounding success.
You can view/download
the results by clicking on the appropriate link. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader
to open.
Click here
to see the Medals Table
Click here
to see the Results
The Training
The Training Camp was very well attended with Sport Kumite handled
by Richard Callaghan and Marco Mazzanti. The Shotokan section was looked
after by Jaap Smaal and Morad Assem, the Wado section by Loh Beng Hooi,
Shitoryu/Shukokai section was run by Steven Morris and Patrick Lim. Steven
also undertook the training of the instructor's class and Richard, Marco,
Jaap and Patrick all took various modules as did Tommy Morris.

Richard Callaghan, Marco Mazzanti, Loh Beng Hooi, Tommy Morris, Steven
Morris, Jaap Smaal

Steven Morris teaches the Instructor's class
Jaap Smaal and Loh Beng Hooi

No doubt about this one!
Russian Team Kata Champions
To see
a slide show of photographs all courtesy of Øistein Haagensen click
The Referee
The referees course was attended by 55 persons and the practical examination
was conducted using the 18-20 year old male and female categories which
started on Thursday 3rd July.
The Congress
The Congress took place in the Latina City Council Chambers followed by
a buffet reception.
Team Leaders
As always a big thank you to all the people who make the KOI possible;
the referees, the team leaders and heads of delegation, for their continued
support and the effort they make to bring their competitors and students.
Kobe Osaka
Gina Ragazzo and Fabio Meini did a huge amount of work to make KOI 17
possible. They gained a lot of sponsorship and huge publicity for KOI.
Fabio also completed a tremendous amount of promotional work for us, designing
new KOI logos and certificates, the backdrops for the podium, the totems
showing the tatami numbers, the table covers and various advertising materials.
Thanks Fabio and Gina.
The Future
18: Kuching, Sarawak, 19th-26th July 2009
KOI 19: Apeldoorn, Netherlands July 2010
16th KOI
If you want to read about the 16th KOI in Varna Bulgaria in 2007 click
15th KOI
If you want to read about the 15th KOI in Halkida Greece in 2006 click
14th KOI
If you want to read about the 14th KOI in Moscow in 2005
click here
13th KOI
If you want to read about the 13th KOI in Manila Philippines in 2004
click here
KOI Report
If you want to read about the 12th KOI in Halkida Greece in 2003 click